KRISTINE COONEY AND susan sobehrad, educational consultantS
Scaffolding activities provide structure for rigorous dives into content, and include those structures and activities designed to provide differentiated access points for students as they seek the knowledge they need to successfully meet project goals.
Students don't arrive in your clasroom knowing how to “do PBL.” They need to learn to ask the right questions, think deeply about a topic, brianstorm ideas, and conduct research.
Scaffolding activities provide structure for rigorous dives into content, and include those structures and activities designed to provide differentiated access points for students as they seek the knowledge they need to successfully meet project goals.
Students don't arrive in your clasroom knowing how to “do PBL.” They need to learn to ask the right questions, think deeply about a topic, brianstorm ideas, and conduct research.
In this one-day workshop, discussion protocols, guided research, target rubrics, question matrices, and other strategies are experienced and shared to enable teachers to build student autonomy as the students engage in deep dives into content.